Equality Commitment
Premier grapevine nursery specializing in the production of high-quality grapevines, including field grown dormant benchgrafts, green potted vines, tall potted vines, rootstock, and budwood.
Herrick Grapevines is based in Red Bluff, California, far from production vineyards. This allows us to provide virus free certified vines, that are diligently tested and expertly grown for growers across the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
What is
Vitibook is a complete reference manual of viticulture with information on varieties, clones, diseases, insect pests, and other critical issues related to grape growing. In addition to the technical information, there is a history of viticulture worldwide as well a description of ENTAV and the process of selection in their program. Vitibook is available from Herrick Grapevines for $40.00 per copy.